
"Music is like medicine for me"

Dissident author Caroline has done an interesting interview with the female nationalist musician Tara from Canada.

Hi Tara, tell us a little about youself and your music..
- I am 32 years old, single, and I work as an electrician apprentice in HVAC (Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning).  I am currently working on my second CD which was recorded last summer.  It will come out on W & B Versand in Germany.  I am not sure when it will come out, as there have been some major setbacks.

What are your influences?
- I don't know how to answer that.  I guess I am influenced strongly by country music.  My favorite band is Nordfront from Germany.  I also like bands like Landser/Lunikoff, Fortress, Sleipnir, Faktor Deutschland, Cross etc.  I listen to every kind of music, from rock to hip hop. 

Is Tara your real name or is it your stage name?
- Yes, my real name is Tara.  At first I thought of making an "artist" name, but I couldn't think of anything that described me better than my own name. 

 How often do you practice?
- I practice every day if I am preparing for a recording or if I will play in front of people somewhere.  My hand was broken in three places many years ago after an Antifa guy broke a stick over it.  Since then it really hurts when I am playing.  Sometimes I can't play at all.  My guitar skills are really bad because of this and also, because I wasn't that good to begin with.  I usually only play when I am writing and learning a new song.  But one of my favorite past times is to take a drive, blast the music and sing along.

 Which countries have you played in?
- I played in England, Germany and impromptu in Hungary. 

What does music mean to you?
- Music is like medicine for me.  It's also an outlet for me to deal with life's struggles.  It's kind of strange, I write things in songs that I would never actually tell someone, because I would think it's a private or sensitive matter.  Yet I sing it to thousands of people I don't know! 

Music is a great way to share our views with a wider audience.  It can be used to give people hope and strength. It can be used to reach people, to convince people, to tug at heart strings and even to recount history and sculpt/maintain culture.  Music is so important to our movement.

How is it to be a nationalist women and live in Canada?
- It's lonely for the most part, you often feel isolated in your views.  Most of my friends are not in the movement and they don't really understand it.  There isn't a lot of like-minds here.  I have been faced with the choice of a family, or being true to my views.  I don't believe many nationalist women here could do both.  There simply are so few (good, single, adult) nationalist men here.  It is also difficult to find a non-nationalist man who accepts my views and political activities.  Not to mention, it is already challenging in this throw-away society to find a faithful and loyal man.  I really wanted a family.  I think finding a good partner is the biggest struggle for any nationalist woman in Canada.  I think I am giving up on this.

You know, people always tell me I can have any man I want.  This is certainly not the case!  I haven't even had a real serious relationship after joining this movement, apart from being involved in a long-distance relationship in Germany for a few years.  He left me of course, presumably because of the distance but we'll never know exactly.  I was quite devastated.

Are you member or support any organization or party?
- I support all groups or organizations that are productive and do positive actions.  I am not a member of any groups and I am firmly against American-style gangs.  We are not blacks and should not act like blacks.

There is not many woman who play nationalist music. What could the reason for that be do you think?
- That is a good question, I really don't know, I will simply speculate. 

Firstly, for me it was difficult at the beginning, because nobody in Canada would support me.  I knew a nationalist guy in Toronto with a studio and asked him if I could go there to record some demos there, and he said "no".  I asked around to find people to play in a band with, and for people to record with, and nobody was interested.  I played at a meeting in Montreal and someone criticized it after on the internet.  I asked a band if I could play with them (they were looking for a singer), but they simply laughed at me. Sharon from Section 88 in England encouraged me to make some recordings and send them to her.  She really fought to have them heard, and talked the guys there into recording a CD with me.  If it wasn't for her, I'd still be playing alone in my bedroom.  RAC/WP rock 'n' roll is a man's world.  Maybe women just aren't getting the support and encouragement they need?

Secondly, it takes a lot of work to make music, and a little bit of ability and talent.  For a woman who has to take care of children, I'm not sure if she would have the time. 

Thirdly, you need balls to play nationalist music!

Quick questions. What is the first you think of...

- Muslims/Islam?

Whatever sick and twisted customs they have is fine with me, as long as they stay in their own country.  The first thing that comes to mind is a woman wearing a head scarf.  When I see such a woman, I always get the urge to run up and pull it off of her head.  The head scarf is so degrading to women in general.  Again, they can degrade their women all they want in their own country.  But they must stay in their own country, women and all.

- Homosexuals?

I believe homosexuality is perversion and sexual deviancy, plain and simple.  Nothing more.  They should certainly not be allowed to get married and have children.  They should not be allowed to have parades in the streets.

In Canada there is no free speech and I am not able to say my full opinion on this subject.

- Feminism?

I believe in such things as equal pay for women in the workplace, maternity benefits and so forth.  But I hate the way feminists have really destroyed a good cause.  I believe woman's rights are actually diminishing, not improving.  Feminists are too busy moaning and complaining about non-issues, like changing the word "chairman" to "chairperson".  Yet there are Muslim women walking around with their head scarves, Jews refusing to deal with women in public offices, and forced marriages right here in Canada, and you don't hear a peep from the feminist community about it. 

They are also hypocritical.  On one hand, in the 80's and 90's they exclaimed that it was sexist for a woman to be expected to dress modestly, and they fought to be able to show their bodies.  Now that 12 year olds are dressing like prostitutes because of that, they are moaning that society is sexist because girls are perceived by boys as being sexual objects.

- Prostitution?

I think this is a very difficult issue.  I can only say that under-age prostitutes should be forced into a locked rehab, and their pimps should be executed.  Come to think of it, all pimps should be executed.

I believe however, that some form of prostitution is OK, providing it is safe, clean, and nobody is getting hurt or pressured into it.  And provided the men seeking prostitutes are single and or being honest and or faithful.

- Drugs?

I believe the government is allowing drugs into this country in order to distract the average working man from distention.  There is no way they are not allowing drugs into this country en masse, there is so much of it on the streets in every town and city.  Everyone has a family member or close friend (or several) who has a drug problem.  It's horrible, it's epidemic. 

- Canada vs Sweden in hockey?

haha Canada of course.  I like Canadian-style hockey better and it is more entertaining to watch.  More hitting, more physical type of game.  The Slovaks just beat Sweden the other day though, I watched the game.  I really like watching the international competitions.  I hope Canada wins gold, I really dislike USA.

- Animals?

I find animals are kind of like people.  Some of them you like, and some of them you don't.  It just depends on the animal.

- Tattoos?

I love Tattoos, it's really a lifestyle.  I have quite a few.

- Sweden?

I don't know that much about Sweden.  From what I hear, the people are sort of like how whites are in Canada.  Profusely apologizing for being ass-raped. 

From what people say, Sweden is a socialist country, very rich country and safe and secure.  But I don't really believe all that.  A lot of what people say about Canada isn't true.  For example, people say Canada is very rich, and yes, there are more rich people here than say, in Ukraine, but there are also some very poor people here, and a lot of them. 

- Ìan Stuart and Skrewdriver?

Ian Stuart is a pioneer for the nationalist cause, and the inventor of WP music.  He started a musical resistance that has spread across the world.  I have a lot of respect for this man, and Skrewdriver.  RIP Ian Stuart.

How can people contact you and do you have any merchandise for sale?
- My email address:  whitepridemontreal@hotmail.com

Or myspace:  www.myspace.com/tarafromcanada

Thanks for the interview Tara. Any final words?
- You had some interesting questions, thanks for taking interest in my music, it's been an honour.  Of course I appreciate anyone who is interested in my music and I thank everyone who has supported me through the years!