DS will be back with a bang very soon.
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"Music is like medicine for me"
Dissident author Caroline has done an interesting interview with the female nationalist musician Tara from Canada.
Statement from Croatia
„Neonazis, fascists, ultra right-wingers and extremists“, this are just some of the labels given by the media to guys arrested on 20th february. Visitors who came to watch german band Blue Max experienced pointless represion by the croatian police. They were detained up to 13 hours without any explanation why they were arrested and why are they under criminal investigation. This same visitors are being forced to strip naked so police can take photos of them under the explanation that they can be indentified if they will ever cause problems somewhere naked. This same people were trated like animals, and they were forced to fight they right for food in prison.
80 years but not forgotten - Horst Wessel Rest in Peace
Horst Wessel, German Hero and National Socialist Martyr, dead february 23 1930 after have been shot by communists some month before.
New CD from the German band Aufbruch -Verlorene Welt
Produced by GKS33. The CD have 13 tracks with over 40 minutes playtime. One of the songs is dedicated to Josue (Spain) who is in prison right now.
MP3 sampler:
Strikeforce UK - Hang your heads in shame (Review in swedish)
(Rampage Productions)
Jag fick upp ögonen för detta band när jag såg dem på NSFs ISD Memorial 2004, och efter det så var jag fast. Strikeforce UK är ett av Englands just nu mest aktiva band som fortfarande spelar en traditionell skinhead Oi! Man hör tydligt att Combat 84 och Skullhead är några av deras influenser. Det är även Skullheads gamla trummis som spelar i bandet så att det låter lite Skullhead över bandet är nog ingen tillfällighet.
Texterna är politiskt inkorrekta precis som skinheadmusik bör vara och kommer att accepteras av såväl RAC-skins som opolitiska skins.
Hang Your Heads In Shame är deras debutplatta och innehåller flera låtar som redan är klassiker, med titlar som Football Violence, Junkie och Bring Back The Rope.
Betyg: 5/5
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